The Whole Home Humidifier: Our Case to Get One!

With Summer moving out and fall moving in some of us may be firing up the furnace and starting the dry air season.  We are just trying to keep our families warm and comfortable but warmer air means drier air.  This dry air can affect your health by drying out your nasal passages and increasing respiratory illnesses.  It also creates the perfect environment for everyone’s number one enemy…static!

Well, suffer no more!  We have a solution for you, the whole home humidifier!  These can be purchased and installed super simply and we highly recommend one for your home!  Not convinced that this remedy is a good choice for you?  Let us at Superior Co-Op HVAC show you the reasons that you may want to consider this investment in your home and family health.

Dry Air Can Cause Breathing Problems

As mentioned before, dry air can lead to dry nasal passages and cause respiratory illnesses.  If you invest in a whole home humidifier you will reap the benefits of clearer sinuses, moisturized nasal passages and improved breathing!

Healthy Air = Healthy Family

Adding moisture to your air is ideal for your health!  A whole-home humidifiers actually help lower your risk of illness because viruses and bacteria do no live in moist air!

Be Smooth!

Do you find that you stock up on skin moisturizing products every year?  Did you know that an increase in air moisture will help you fight that need?  Dry air will dry out your skin giving you a case of dull, itchy skin.  Adding a humidifier to your home will help you maintain moisture in your skin and help you prevent dry, flaky skin that is all too common during winter months.

See ‘ya Snoring!

Do you suffer from seasonal snoring?  Do you find that it’s the winter months when your homes air is dry that this increases?  Dry air equals dry nasal passages and adding moisture back into the air can help to decrease snoring and in some cases, do away with that buzzsaw in the back of your throat all together!  Now you are ready for that long winter’s nap!

Don’t Forget Your Lips

Dry, cracked lips will be greatly reduced if not a thing of the past when you add a whole home humidifier to your home.  We have said it 100 times and we will say it 100 more.  Adding a whole home humidifier to your home will add moisture.  Adding moisture to your air will help your body and skin stay moisturized!

Lower Your Energy Bills

You read that right!  A whole home humidifier will save you money on your energy bill because adding moisture to the air will help your home feel warmer at a lower temperature!  This will lower that heating bill!

Static Stopper

Dry winter air can and will cause lots of static.  If you would like to stop the shock, all you have to do is add moisture to the air and have a less shocking experience when you are in your home!

Softer skin, healthy airways and a fatter wallet after paying the heating bill?  Sounds like a bargain to us!  How could a family not love the multiple benefits of a whole home humidifier?!  Did you know that this can also be added to your HVAC system and you will not have to lug a bucket of water to your humidifier all winter long to keep it full!  Make sure that you schedule an appointment today for your estimate!


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