Get Ready For A Warm(er) Winter!

No, we haven’t gotten lost in California or Florida.  We are aware that we are living in the Saratoga and Albany, NY region of upstate New York.  We also are very aware that the winters that we experience here are not classified as warm.  We are talking about tips to help you stay warmer in your home this winter!  We have decided to help you stay warm this winter with a few great tips that will help you reap the rewards of warmth and energy savings!

More than stocking up on hot cocoa and thick blankets, here are a few steps to get your home ready for the cold winter months ahead.  There is good news that you can rejoice in, you don’t have to hibernate this winter!

Warm Winter Tip 1:

Check your windows and doors to make sure the caulking is up to par.  The Department of Energy has made it known that much of your indoor heat can escape through cracks in the seams around your windows and doors.  Another added benefit of making sure that these areas are securely caulked is that you will protecting your home from any potential water damage.

Warm Winter Tip 2:

Wrap your water pipes found in your basement or crawl space with an insulated sleeve.  This will help keep the warmth from the water flowing within from dissipating prior to reaching your sink or shower which in turn causes you to crank up the temperature.  This can cause dry cracked skin and that is definitely something that we don’t want you to suffer from.  Another consideration, an insulated cover for your water heater.

Warm Winter Tip 3:

Make sure you get that fireplace inspected and cleaned.  A fireplace can keep your home incredibly warm all winter long but if you do not do your due diligence then you could be putting the safety of your home as well as the health of your family at great risk!  A chimney that is not properly maintained can release carbon monoxide or worse, could cause a chimney fire that can quickly destroy our home.  Another great tip for your fireplace is to keep your chimney flue closed when your fireplace is not in use.  This will stop any major drafts from coming down the chimney when the wind kicks up or the temperatures plummet.

Warm Winter Tip 4:

Check all of your draperies and furniture to be sure that it is not blocking your vents.  This will cause the warm air that is coming through your vents to keep your home warm to become blocked in turn keeping those temperatures low inside your home and causing you to pile on those blankets.  Another word on your draperies, if you change out your thin summer drapes for heavier drapes you will feel a significant increase in your homes temperature.  Warm air is lost through thin drapes fast and through a window with no coverings even faster.

Warm Winter Tip 5:

Before you call Superior Co-Op HVAC for your furnace to be tuned up, add a nice rug to your hardwood or tile floors.  This will do the same thing as changing out your curtains as this will help to keep the warm air in and not be lost to the colder temperatures of your floor.  Speaking of that furnace tune up, having this service done will help your furnace work at top performance as well as allowing us the chance to address any possible repairs that should be done before you have a midnight emergency when your furnace stops working.  This will also allow us to make sure that your furnace doesn’t have a critical carbon monoxide leak.  To learn more about why you should consider having your furnace serviced click here.

Did you know that we also offer a monthly service contract?  This will also help you to avoid any mid winter break downs and catch any potential issues that could cost you hundreds in repairs and emergency visit costs.  If you are ready to start protecting your home then you should read more here!


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