Categories: Resources

HVAC Maintenance: How To Keep Your Home From Losing Heat!

Do you find that you are cranking that thermostat up but it still feels cold in your home or business?  You may be experiencing heat loss.  This is why we tell you that HVAC maintenance is so important because we can help you identify potential problems as well as how to maintain your home or business to prevent heat loss.  We have put together this guide with a few simple steps to help you!


Many have heard that the home is your castle but we regret to inform you that it most likely not a fortress.  Over time, external cracks and crannies form and let the warm air out and the col air in.  The best solution is often caulk.  Caulk is a waterproof filler that is used between adjoining materials that seals them together.  It is important to note that there are a few kinds of caulk but the best kind to use is 100% silicone.  Silicone is totally waterproof, flexible and will not shrink or crack over time.  When applying this caulk you will want access to a caulk gun, trust us, it is the only way to apply the even steady pressure that is needed.

Where should you apply this caulk?  Well, typically in the fall you should be looking for places where you see sunlight or fee an air draft on your hand.  You will want to pay special attention to masonry and siding, at the ingress of pipes or wires to your home and around window and door frames.  Another reason this a a great idea to do is that adding the caulk will prevent further cracking.  By adding caulk to these places, you are preventing water from entering these spaces and freezing and forcing a small crack to become wider with this expansion.

Weather Stripping

Doors and windows are the number one cause of heat loss in the home!  The solution is so simple, weather stripping!  With a variety to choose from, the actual crevice that you need to close will dictate the type you will need.  If it is the daylight under your front door that alerts you then a door sweep is what you will want to install.  If you have an older home and the jambs are not flush then you will want to chose felt.  For window sashes try foam tape.  Just know that weather stripping can be added at any time, if you feel a draft install it!

The Ceiling Fan Switcheroo

File this in weird but true, running your ceiling fans will save you money and keep your home warmer!  However, you will need to change the direction of the fan for this to be effective.  When you do this you create an upward draft that will surely move the air and distribute the heat evenly throughout your home.  This will help you in maintaining one even temperature all season and avoid big jumps creating an overuse and over-taxation of your HVAC system.

Schedule Regular HVAC Maintenance

Hear us out.  We know that we talk about this often but this is the most important part of home-ownership here in the Albany, NY capital district area!  Trust us, a dirty system is working much harder than a clean one and a harder working HVAC system is not an energy efficient one!  Yearly or better seasonal HVAC maintenance is a crucial step.  And we are not simply suggesting that you go down to your HVAC system with a vacuum in hand and just wave it around a little to clear away the cobwebs.  Call us, we have maintenance programs that will help you to keep your system clean and in working order! Also, another important step in your HVAC maintenance plan should be to replace your air filters!

We hope that our tips are able to help you!  If you would like to learn more about our monthly maintenance plan and start your regular HVAC maintenance visits then be sure to Click Here!  If you need further assistance make sure you contact us today!


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