When you are looking at an air conditioner unit, one important aspect to pay attention to is the type of refrigerant that it uses. The main 2 types are R-22 and R-410A, also know as Freon and Puron respectively. We feel that it is important to note that these types of refrigerant are not interchangeable within your chosen system. So if you purchase a system that uses R-22, you cannot simply swap out R-410A. There are other differences that we feel are important to point out as well.
R-22 Properties
R-22, or Freon as it is known, is the top brand of refrigerant on the market. However, R-22 is no longer used in the installation of a new air conditioning unit as it was discontinued in 2010 due to the fact that it is a hydro-chlorofluorocarbon. This particular compound is known to deplete the ozone. It is because of this discontinuation and the destruction of the ozone that it may be hard to find due to limited quantities. While not an option when installing a new unit, it was used in older units so it is important to know when you are doing repairs, what refrigerant your unit uses.
R-410A Properties
R-410A, or puron, is the name brand of refrigerant that is now used in new units. This refrigerant is a hydro-fluorocarbon and is not destructive to the ozone. This is why in 2015 it became the new standard in all new air conditioning units. Most new units use this refrigerant but you should always double check to make sure before you make your final purchase so that you can avoid purchasing anything but this type of refrigerant in your unit.
Performance Differences
R-410A is not only better for the ozone layer but it is also a better performer when trying to cool your home. It absorbs and releases the heat better than R-22 and helps your compressor run cooler so that it does not overheat. In addition, it can work at a higher pressure, so that the compressors are built to handle greater pressure and will not crack as easily as in the past with R-22 compressors. Systems that utilize R-410A also use synthetic oil for lubrication where R-22 systems used mineral oil. This new synthetic oil is more soluble which in turn makes the whole system more efficient. It’s easy to see why a system that uses R-410A is a far superior to the R-22 systems of the past.
Dry Charging
With the outlaw of R-22, a few companies have found a way to continue the use of R-22 in new systems with dry charging. These are units without refrigerant installed at the time of manufacture. This requires a technician to come to your home to charge your unit. Even if it is still deemed legal, it is not always the best option for your unit. One of the main reasons that it may not be the best option is that with the depleting supply of R-22, it may cost significantly more to come and charge your unit. Additionally, R-410A is far better for the environment and the units have proven to be more efficient and save you money in the long run. Lastly, dry charge units generally do not have a very long warranty.
When it comes to choosing an air conditioning unit, we feel that the choice is clear. R-410A is better for the environment and is more efficient overall. It’s easy to see why the HVAC industry has switched over to the new standard of R-410A so make sure that you are purchasing a unit that utilizes this system and not the dry charge system. If you have any questions about your air conditioning unit or you just need maintenance on your current unit, be sure to contact us!
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