Although your water heater often goes unnoticed, it is one of the most important appliances of your home.
6 Clues Your Water Heater Is Having Trouble
From showers, washing machines, and running the dishwasher, a water heater shouldn’t be neglected. Here are 6 telltale signs you need to have maintenance done on your water heater.
1. Rusty Water
If you’re experiencing rusty-looing water, this is one of the first sure signs that there is a problem.
Rust-colored water could be an indication that you have rust spots forming in your water heater, which means you might experience some surprise leaks that could lead to potential flooding in your home.
2. Noisy Water Heater
Are you hearing irregular noises coming from your water heater? This could be a sign that it’s time to give Superior Co-Op a call.
Noises coming from your water heater usually mean there is a build up in its foundation, which requires your water heater to work harder which means a higher energy bill!
3. EEk, It’s a Leak!
If you find water near or around your water heater this might be a sign that your water heater has a leak. If your water heater is housed in your attic, a leak could lead to water damage to your home.
4. Not Enough Hot Water
Have you ever turned your hot water on only to get lukewarm or even cold water? This could simply mean the pilot light has gone out. If you need help figuring this out, contact us today.
5. Too Hot or Too Cold
If your tap is running too hot or too cold, this is an issue. The simple answer is that you have the wrong size water heater.
An undersized heater will have to work harder to provide hot water, which means it will fail faster.
6. Your Water Heater is Too Old
Water heaters eventually will wear out, no matter how well you maintain them. Typically, water heaters that receive regular maintenance will last between 10-15 years. If you’re not sure how long you’ve had your current water heater, check the identification sticker that is on the unit.
Want to make life easier on yourself? Contact Superior Co-Op today and ask us about our Monthly Maintenance Program!
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