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When you turned your heat on this year, did you notice a funny smell?
This article that we thought was worth sharing from Angie’s List discusses the different burning smells you might notice when turning on the heat and what you should do about it.
If you notice a musty smell when the heat comes on, it may be a sign that your furnace needs maintenance. This odor can be concerning, and it’s essential to understand what might be causing it and how to address the issue.
A musty smell when the heat comes on could be something as minor as a dirty filter, but it could also indicate a more serious problem. Don’t ignore it. Try to find the source of the odor to avoid costly repairs in the future. Regular maintenance and prompt attention to any unusual smells can ensure the optimal performance and safety of your heating system.
When your furnace is not used for long periods of time, dust can collect on the heat exchanger and in the air ducts. When the furnace is turned on, the dust burns off and releases an odor.
It is normal for dust to burn off when the heater is turned on for the first time in the winter season and not a cause for concern. This smell should disappear in a few hours. If the problem persists, check your air filters.
When you turn on your furnace for the first time each year, it may smell like a damp basement or like dirt or dust. The musty odor comes from dust and dirt collecting in the air ducts, which gets blown throughout your home when the furnace turns on. If this smell persists throughout the heating season, it could mean you need to change the air filter.
A musty smell could also indicate that mold is trapped on the furnace filter or on the humidifier filter, if you have one.
If you notice an odor that smells like burning plastic or burning electrical parts, it could be something simple or something more serious.
A foreign object in your HVAC system’s ductwork could start to smell once it gets overheated. This could be a child’s dropped toy, or an unnoticed spill. Remove your registers and visually inspect them to clean or remove any objects that don’t belong.
It could also be something more serious, such as an overheated furnace motor or cracked heat exchanger. If you cannot locate a foreign object in the ductwork, call an experienced technician to check the electrical components in the furnace.
If you operate an oil furnace, and smell oil or smoke, it could mean a serious problem with your furnace.
If the smell persists after checking and changing the oil filter, call us at Superior Co-Op HVAC to check it out.
Click here to view the original article.
If you aren’t sure or you need a little extra help, give us a call. Don’t forget to ask us about our Monthly Maintenance Contract!
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