Since my time living in Gladwin, MI and graduating I served 23 years in the military and am now retired. I opened Media Pillars a few years before retiring in the hopes I could run a successful website design and internet marketing company post retirement.

Family & Friends in Gladwin & Beaverton
Currently I have the majority of my close family living in or around the Gladwin area, most importantly my oldest son and his family are in Beaverton and my Mommy is in Gladwin. Other simblings, nieces and friends all over the place near Gladwin.
My very first born blood granddaughter is also in the area while my other 2 from my niece who lives with me from the age of 9 is in NY. I consider them my grand babies and her my daughter for sure, it’s just sad as we get older everyone kinda spreads out.
Offering Website Design & Internet Marketing
With many clients all over the Country I found it impossible for me not to offer my services back home so I will be searching out and taking on new clients in and around Gladwin & Beaverton, MI specifically. Currently our only client in up north. Pure North Golf Cars and I must say if your looking for a golf cart, they are the people to contact.
Never Forget Where You Come From
Some day I will probably find myself right back where I call home in Gladwin, but for now I have my family and friends there and i certainly can take on projects to help local businesses get found online and convert with a great website.

Teenage Years
Wow, how things have changed. I remember watching the high school getting built while at football practice. And, below is a rare moment of me actually doing homework, yea I don’t remember that lol.

Education & Experience in Website Design & Internet Marketing
While in the military I took lots of college courses but never seemed to stay on one thing. It was only when I got a little older and found my talent and desires in website development that I pursued and achieved my BA in Internet Marketing from Full Sail University.
Thou my degree is in marketing I had also pursued website development early on and am probably better versed in that, thou I do excel in both. My company is small and I have very few employees but what I have found is its more cost effective to hire some things out because once a website is developed and running perfectly it take less time and effort to keep it perfect, and I do things a little different than most other formally trained people in my industry. I drive for conversions and high ROI for my clients, not just a pretty website that doesn’t make them any money.
Some Photos From Over the Years